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Are you a PR graduate and looking for your big break in the PR Industry?

As you choose your future career, an internship at a reputable organisation during or after college is very important for building skills and gaining knowledge. We’ve put together some tips around what we look for in a young person who is starting out in the business.

1. Research

Knowledge is key. When applying for an internship, make sure you’ve researched the company you’re applying to work for. Skogrand in the US said that research is the foundation of PR. It is often overlooked so don't make this mistake. Like anything that forms part of planning, research is necessary to give you direction.

2. Networking

Networking is the heart of PR. Journolink says that networking creates a gateway for building relationships with other business players in your industry sector as well as with journalists. As a student, you can do this by attending seminars and PR related workshops. Get involved in community projects and volunteer work, speak to your lecturer about PR opportunities and make connections with relevant people.

3. Writing An Impressive CV

Writing a CV is easy until you have to add your work experience and realize you don’t have any - devastating right? Getting involved in community projects can benefit you. Employers want to hire someone who is proactive and open to learning. Keep your CV neat, simple and pay attention to grammar and spelling.

I won't consider the CV, no matter how good the experience, with spelling mistakes. We're in the communication business and it shows you haven't paid attention to detail.

- Jeremy Briar, CEO, Total Exposure.

4. A Winning Cover Letter

Give your future employer a reason to believe that you could be the perfect candidate for the job you’re applying for. Storytelling is very important in the PR industry, so write a good, honest story about yourself. Here are a few writing tips:

  • The opening line must grab the attention of the reader

  • Balance being formal and conversational, as if you were talking to the person reading the letter.

  • ALWAYS mention a thing or two about the company you’re applying to; this will show the employer that you’re passionate about their company and the work they do.

  • Proofread. Proofread. Proofread.

5. Nailing the Job Interview

“A job seeker can show real passion by doing the requisite prep work before the interview even begins,” says Brian Porrell, Principal & Manager atWinterWyman. Prepare for it, do the basics. We'll say this again: research the company, learn about the competitive landscape of PR and build up your own questions to ask during the interview. If you're ever applying for a position with us, make sure to look at our site first.

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